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Contact the bank

  • icone faq question
    How do I send an e-mail from Web Banking?

    Here’s how to send a secure e-mail in Web Banking: 

    1. Log on, then click on “Contact” in the menu on the left-hand side of the page. 

    2. Click on “Messaging” in the column on the right-hand side. You’ll need to have your LuxTrust certificate (Token or LuxTrust Mobile app) to hand.

    3. Click on the “new message” icon in the top right of the Messaging section. The symbol for this is an envelope with a + sign. The new message section will appear. * 

    4. Write your message and click on “Send”. Your advisor will get back to you as soon as possible. 

    Please note:

    If you need (or would like) to write to your account manager, we highly recommend that you ALWAYS use Web Banking secure messaging. This is especially important if your message contains information about your account or your plans.

    Hacking of unsecure e-mails is a serious problem and it could happen to you.

  • icone faq question
    How do I add an attachment to an e-mail in Web Banking?

    Here’s how to add an attachment to an e-mail in Web Banking: 

    1. See the answer to the previous question on how to write a new message. 

    2. Click on the “paper clip” icon in the new message section. Select the document you wish to attach. 

    3. Once you have written your message, click on “Send”. Your account manager will get back to you as soon as possible.


  • icone faq question
    Where can I find my RIB/IBAN?

    Here’s how to find the RIB/IBAN for one of your bank accounts in Web Banking: 

    1. Log on, then click on “Accounts” in the menu on the left-hand side of the page. This will take you to your account summary. 

    2. Click on the relevant account. This will take you to your account details section. 

    3. Click on the account menu. This is located in the top-right and represented by three vertical dots. Click on the three dots and a drop-down menu will appear. 

    4. Click on “Bank Account Identification” in the drop-down menu. This will take you to a window summarising your account transactions. 

    Tip: you can use the Web Banking app, available for iOS and Android, to share your bank account details in just one click.

  • icone faq question
    Where can I find my interest certificates?

    Here’s how to find your interest certificates in Web Banking: 

    If you receive your account statements by post, you should have received your interest certificates at the start of the year. 

    Don’t worry if you haven’t though: just like your account statements, your interest certificates are accessible via Web Banking whether you receive statements by post or by e-mail. Here’s how to find them: 

    1. Log on and go to your dashboard. Click on “E-Documents: Statements, advices and contracts as PDF” under “My information” in the column on the right-hand side of the page. This will take you to the “Account statements and notices” module of the “E-Documents” section. 

    2. To find your debit notices more easily, you can filter your account statements by clicking on the title of the second column: “Types of documents”. This will open up a drop-down list. 

    3. Make sure that only “Interest certificate” is selected from the drop-down menu. Only your interest certificates will be shown. Select the certificate for the year in question.

  • icone faq question
    How do I print an interest certificate for my tax return?

    Here’s how to print an interest certificate for your tax return in Web Banking: 

    1. Log on and go to your dashboard. Click on “E-Documents: Statements, advices and contracts as PDF” under “My information” in the column on the right-hand side of the page. This will take you to the “Account statements and notices” module of the “E-Documents” section. 

    2. To find your debit notices more easily, you can filter your account statements by clicking on the title of the second column: “Types of documents”. This will open up a drop-down list. 

    3. Make sure that only “Interest certificate” is selected from the drop-down menu. Only your interest certificates will be shown. 

    4. Select the certificate for the year in question. 

    5. Click on the printer icon in the top right of the screen. The document will open up in PDF format, ready for printing.

Payment cards

  • icone faq question
    How do I activate 3D Secure on my credit cards?

    Here’s how to activate 3D Secure on your credit cards in Web Banking:


    1. Click on “Accounts” in the menu on the left-hand side of the page.

    This will take you to your account summary, which shows all of your bank accounts and credit cards.

    1. Click on the 3D Secure icon under credit cards. This will take you to the 3D Secure page.

    2. Choose a personal message.

    3. Next, choose your 3D Secure modes (LuxTrust Token and/or text message).

    4. Click on “Validate”. You’ll need to have your LuxTrust certificate (Token or LuxTrust Mobile app) at hand to confirm the operation.

  • icone faq question
    How do I increase my credit card limit?

    Here’s how to increase your credit card limit in Web Banking: 

    1. Log on, then click on “Accounts” in the menu on the left-hand side of the page. This will take you to your account summary. 

    2. Click on the menu for the relevant credit card, which is located to the right of the credit card name. The menu symbol is made up of three dots lined up vertically. Click on these three dots. A drop-down list will appear. 

    3. Click on “Increase the limit” in the drop-down menu. This will take you to the screen where you can change your credit card limit. 

    4. Type your preferred new limit in the “Temporary limit” field. 

    5. Click on “Validate” to confirm the new limit.

Credit transfers

  • icone faq question
    How do I make a credit transfer?

    Here’s how to make a credit transfer in Web Banking:


    1. Log on, then click on “Payment” in the menu on the left-hand side of the page. This will take you to the credit transfers section.


    2. If you want to make a one-off credit transfer, click on “Make a transfer” in the top-left of the section. This will take you to the one-off credit transfers section.

    If you want to set up a standing order, see “How do I set up a standing order?” in these FAQs.


    3. Choose an account to debit (even if you only have one) by clicking on it.


    4. Choose an account to credit. You can choose between:

    - One of your own accounts. Click on “My accounts”. Then select an account to credit from the list shown.


    - One of your saved beneficiaries. Click on “My beneficiaries”.

    Then select a beneficiary from the list shown.


    - A new beneficiary that has not yet been saved. Click on “Other account”.

    Enter the bank details of the account to credit:

    • Country;
    • Account details (select IBAN or RIB before entering the details);
    • The surname, first name, address, city and country of the beneficiary. 

    Please note that you can choose to save the beneficiary at this stage so that they appear in your list of beneficiaries in the future. To do so, just click on the “Save beneficiary” button. 

    5. Once you have set up a beneficiary for the credit transfer, click on “Next”. The “Amount, reference and end date” screen appears. 

    6. Add the amount. You can choose the currency of your credit transfer by clicking on the drop-down list of currencies. 

    7. Use the calendar to pick the execution date of your credit transfer. Today is the default option. 

    8. Use the “Communication” field if you wish to add a comment. Please note that this comment will be visible in the transfer reference. 

    9. Tick the “Debit notice” box if you would like a debit notice to be generated. 

    10. Click on “Save this communication for this beneficiary” if you would like to save the message you have just written. The next time you make a credit transfer to this beneficiary, this message will be suggested by default. 

    11. Click on “Next”. Review the details of your credit transfer. If everything is correct, click on “Validate”. Otherwise, amend the details of the credit transfer by clicking on “Modify”.

  • icone faq question
    Where can I find debit notices for past credit transfers?

    Here’s how to find your debit notices in Web Banking: 

    1. Log on and go to your dashboard. Click on “E-Documents: Statements, advices and contracts as PDF” under “My information” in the column on the right-hand side of the page. This will take you to the “Account statements and notices” module of the “E-Documents” section. 

    2. To find your debit notices more easily, you can filter your account statements by clicking on the title of the second column: “Types of documents”. This will open up a drop-down list. 

    3. Make sure that only “Debit notice” is selected from the drop-down menu. Only your debit notices will be displayed. 

    4. Click on the debit notice you want to view. It will open as a PDF.

  • icone faq question
    How do I print my debit notices?

    Here’s how to print your debit notices in Web Banking: 

    1. Access your debit notices (see previous question). 

    2. Once you are on the screen with your list of debit notices, tick the debit notice(s) you would like to print. 

    3. Click on the printer icon in the top right of the screen. The debit notice will open as a PDF. 

    4. If you move your cursor to the bottom of the PDF, the PDF toolbox appears (black module). Click on the printer icon and follow the steps.

Mobile payments

  • icone faq question
    How do I activate Apple Pay?

    To activate Apple Pay, read our dedicated guide.

  • icone faq question
    How do I activate Payconiq?

    Here’s how to activate a Payconiq contract in Web Banking: 

    1. Log on, then click on “Payment” in the menu on the left-hand side. This will take you to the payment section. 

    2. In the right-hand column, click on “Activate and manage Payconiq, the mobile payment app”. This will take you to the Payconiq activation screen. 

    3. Click on the “Install Payconiq” button. This will launch the Payconiq activation process. 

    4. Click on the “Next” button to continue. 

    5. Select one or more accounts to link to your Payconiq contract. Then click on the “Next” button. 

    6. You’ll need to have your LuxTrust certificate (Token or LuxTrust Mobile) at hand to confirm your request. 

    7. Launch the Payconiq app from your smartphone. Click on the “Activation” button in the Payconiq app. Your smartphone camera will open automatically. 

    8. Position the camera’s viewfinder over the QR code that has been generated. The finalisation page will appear. Please note that notifications will need to be turned on during this process. You will be asked for permission several times via notifications. 

    9. Enter your mobile telephone number and choose a PIN between 4 and 6 digits long. Click on the “Send” button. The confirmation screen will appear. Your contract is now active.



  • icone faq question
    How do I view my order book?

    Here’s how to view your order book in Web Banking:

    1. Log on, then click on “Portfolio” in the menu on the left-hand side of the page. Sub-sections will appear under “Portfolio”. 

    2. Click on “Order book”. This will take you to your order book.

  • icone faq question
    How do I make a stock market order?

    Here’s how to make a stock market order in Web Banking: 

    If you would like to buy/sell a security you already hold in custody:

    1. Log on, then select “Portfolio” in the menu on the left-hand side of the page. This will take you to your security portfolio overview. 

    2. Look for the security you wish to buy/sell. Click on the “buy” or “sell” icon. 

    3. Fill out the various fields and then click on “Validate”. 

    If you would like to buy a security that you do not own already:

    1. Log on, then select “Markets”. This will take you to a page of key financial information. 

    2. Search for the security you wish to buy by entering one of the following in the search bar at the top right of the screen:

    - part of the name of the security;

    - the ISIN;

    - the mnemonic code. 

    Click on the magnifying glass next to the search bar or press “Enter” on your keyboard. 

    3. Your search results will appear. Click on the line for the security you wish to purchase. 

    4. A detailed information page will appear. Click on “Buy” at the top right of the screen. 

    5. Fill out the various fields and then click on “Validate”. 

  • icone faq question
    How do I cancel a stock market order?

    Here’s how to cancel a stock market order in Web Banking: 

    1. Log on, then click on “Portfolio” in the menu on the left-hand side of the page. Sub-sections will appear under “Portfolio”. 

    2. Click on “Order book”. This will take you to your order book. 

    3. Select the line for the order you wish to cancel, then click on the “bin” icon on the right. Confirm that you wish to cancel the order.

Une question ?

Nos conseillers sont à votre écoute du lundi au vendredi de 8h à 18h au (+352) 42 42-2000.

Have a question?

Our advisors are available on (+352) 42 42-2000, Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm.