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Innovative payment solutions in the spotlight

In order to support BGL BNP Paribas employees in the digital transformation of their company, the Bank’s Innovation team has organised a series of Tech’IT Easy conferences.

The fourth edition, which took place on 4 July at the Bank’s premises, was dedicated to innovative payment solutions. The topics of the three previous conferences were artificial intelligence, blockchain technology and open banking.

These Tech’IT Easy conferences are mostly attended by Bank employees and have three objectives:

1. to inform BGL BNP Paribas employees about the latest developments in technology, innovation and digital transformation

2. to break down new technological trends

3. to provide real-life examples


The speakers at the 4 July conference on innovative payment solutions were:

  • Fabrice Cucchi, Chief Innovation and Transformation Officer and member of the Executive Committee of BGL BNP Paribas

  • Alina Nichita, Product Officer in the Marketing & Strategy department of BGL BNP Paribas, who gave an overview of the Bank’s innovative payment solutions and its achievements in this field

  • Vincent Duval, CEO of Paylib, who illustrated the power of banks when they join forces to create a range of electronic payment services

  • Bartek Swatko, CEO of Mercedes Pay, who urged employees to look beyond payment as a function, and to focus on the client experience

The next edition of Tech’It Easy will focus on RPA - Robotic Automatisation Process 





Les intervenants à cette conférence du 4 juillet sur les paiements innovants étaient :

  • Fabrice Cucchi, Chief Innovation and Transformation Officer et membre du Comex BGL BNP Paribas
  • Alina Nichita, Product Officer au sein du service Marketing & Strategy de BGL BNP Paribas, a dressé un panorama des paiements innovants et les réalisations de la banque dans ce domaine
  • Vincent Duval, CEO de Paylib, a illustré la force de frappe des Banques lorsqu’elles s’unissent pour créer un panel de services de paiement électronique
  • Bartek Swatko, CEO de Mercedes Pay, a invité les collaborateurs à aller au-delà du paiement comme un usage et à nous placer du côté de l’expérience client

Céline Duriez-Lefebvre, Digital Change Manager - en charge de l’acculturation pour les collaborateurs - a animé la conférence et accueilli les intervenants sur scène.

La prochaine édition du Tech’It Easy portera sur l’Automatisation des Processus par la Robotique